Fostering longevity in Alberta through balanced, in-home care

It’s the little things that take in-home care from good to great. A game of cards on the back deck. Fresh air on a walk around the block. Special outings to enjoy Alberta’s scenic views. Moments like these create opportunities for seniors to connect, stay sharp and incorporate a little bit of happy variety into the day.

Elderly woman tending to her flowers.

When the women set out from their Canmore hotel for a day of easy, local hiking, they’d never heard of ‘blue zones’ before.

The term is in the spotlight these days, with a recent documentary bringing fresh attention to the link between how and how long we live. Sparked by a National Geographic explorer’s journalistic quest to understand why people in Okinawa, Japan — and other so-called blue zones — live longer and healthier than any other place on earth, these women have organically taken these principles to heart.

“Since that first hiking trip in Canmore, we’ve learned that people in Okinawa and other ‘blue zones’ have more seniors living to be 100 than in other parts of the world,” explains Erin. “We’re intentional about building similar life experiences to the blue zones into our lives in Canada.”

Mothers, sisters, nieces, cousins: this close-knit group of relatives comes together throughout the year to embrace the lifestyle factors highlighted at the core of the research. With their own spin on healthy diets, physical activity (a family skate through a wooded trail, let’s say) and sharp minds (think annual cottage getaways offering social connections and meaningful conversations), the women — aged 41 to 83 — are creating their version of a blue zone whether gathering in the Calgary foothills or anywhere else.

This ad-hoc approach lays the groundwork for what each hopes will be a flourishing path through the golden years. It’s the very same theory that formed the basis of TheKey’s Balanced Care MethodTM more than 20 years ago.

Providing Alberta seniors with balanced care to age in place

As a leading in-home, senior care provider in Calgary, Airdrie, Cochrane and Okotoks, TheKey’s team built its reputation by adopting a proprietary, holistic strategy for living and aging well at home. First and foremost, the Balanced Care Method is centred around moderation and variety. It’s also geared to create a sense of purpose in someone’s day.

“Aging well at home requires everyone to share a vision for what good looks like,” says Chuck Terlesky, General Manager of TheyKey Calgary. “It means connecting tasks like bathing and meal prep with bigger-picture activities that help seniors to feel purposeful, connected and happy.”

Research shows those elements are essential to longevity. Studies reinforce the fact that happier people live longer. A greater sense of purpose in life is also tied to a lower risk of early death. In Canada, more than eight in 10 people who report high life satisfaction also cite a strong sense of meaning. Terlesky is intent on furthering that momentum in Alberta.

Whether making trips to a local garden centre, so a client can get close to the plants and flowers they once loved to work with, or playing a round of cards in the comfort of home: TheKey’s caregiving teams help clients stay active, pursue interests, eat healthy, enjoy companionship and maintain a strong sense of purpose as they age.

“There really is no place like home. Our Balanced Care Method allows seniors and their families to age in place, knowing that our team will support them in cultivating a truly well-rounded daily experience,” says Terlesky. “It’s amazing to play a part in that process.”

Considering in-home dementia care or have questions about the types of support we offer? Our specialists are here to help determine the best plan to meet your parent’s or loved one’s needs. Contact TheKey today to get started.

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